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Abbott Racing,

"We Examine -
We Improve -
We Innovate"

Abbott Racing offer a range of upgrades for your Saab, from the "Classic" 900 to the latest 9-3ss

9-3 vert


Abbot Racing logo

Official Abbott Racing distributor

We can now supply and fit all performance and tuning parts from Abbott Racing for your car. From the Classic 900 to the latest Saabs:

  • ECU (Engine Management) Upgrades
  • Turbos and Intercooler systems
  • Brakes and Suspension
  • Performance Exhaust systems
  • Alloy Wheels
  • Interior and Exterior Trim

Please visit the Abbott Racing web-site for a full catalogue.

Please call in or contact us to discuss fitting of any Abbott Racing parts to your Saab.

c900 Body Exhaust


engine chasis

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